Junior / Adolescent Bible Quiz Tournaments
JBQ was launched in 2009 and ABQ in 2016. These programs have spread quickly throughout Romania with currently 40 teams from 6 different regions throughout the country. Children learn to memorize Bible verses as well as sound doctrine in a fun way.
Three times a year they come together with other churches in their region to compete in an exciting tournament that involves fly swatters. The winning teach of each level from each region are then invited to participate in the National Final Competition. Children are eagerly learning to love God’s Word and hiding it in their hearts.

Several TV stations have approached Kidz Romania to provide them with a good quality children’s television program. In the Fall of 2012 this dream finally became a reality. Our media team is now producing a children’s animated, Christian television program which is currently being aired. Each episode clearly presents the Gospel message using clowns, puppets, animated characters and fun songs.